
Rucking: The Foundation Of Collapse Prepper Fitness

You don’t necessarily need to follow a specific rucking training plan in order to be successful. Really, what you need to do is get a clear understanding of the activity and how it relates to both fitness and preparedness, and learn a bit about the fundamentals. From there, you can design your own program for success. And by success I’m not talking about looking cool and sleek for summer on the beach, I’m talking about enjoying this activity to the maximum while reaping all the benefits that can prepare you for life in a post-collapse future.

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8 Reasons Why Prepping Is Good For Your Mental State

Mental health is something that usually falls by the wayside until things start to go sideways. Once a crisis comes into your life, that is when suddenly your emotional state becomes of major importance. It’s pretty obvious that stressful situations can leave people feeling anxious, fearful, and even depressed. The pressures of everyday life, combined with the more harmful aspects of modern society, such as social media, complex jobs and personal debt are enough to create anxiety in even the strongest people.

Toss in the idea of facing the collapse of civilization, and we are talking real stress on one’s mind, and body as well.

Whether it is climate change that concerns you the most, the potential for nuclear war seemingly at any minute, or even just garden variety economic or political upheaval, collapse comes for us all, and it starts early, working to negatively affect your mental state and emotional health. A big part of being prepared to face the coming challenges of collapse is to have a clear head, unburdened by excessive stress and worry. 

How in the hell are you supposed to manage that, with all the craziness going on now, in these early stages of collapse? I know it seems like an insurmountable challenge, but the answer might just be simpler than you expect.

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Apocalypse Meow! (Bugging Out With Cats)

Most people prefer not to think about the worst-case scenarios in their lives, but for us as collapse preppers that is exactly what we have to do. And that doesn’t just mean for ourselves but for our family members as well. All family members. So, when it comes to making sure our animal companions are safely evacuated in the inevitable bug out, there’s no time like the present to prepare! Here are my tips for bugging out with cats after a collapse event.

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Mutual Assistance Groups (And Why You Need One)

In any true societal collapse scenario, the adage “there is strength in numbers” rings truer than ever. Survival becomes a far more attainable goal when you have allies to share the load. That’s why forming a Mutual Assistance Group is a prudent step for ensuring you have a dependable support system in place to see you through into the post-collapse world.

In this article, I take a look at what a Mutual Assistance Group is, and how such groups formed to prepare for collapse differ from the traditional MAGs. In preparation for surviving the collapse of civilization, it becomes necessary to broaden your horizons and make new like-minded friends who can contribute to your survival network. In the wild, the lone wolf starves, but the pack survives…

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9 Places to Avoid After SHTF

Knowing where to stay away from can be just as critical as knowing where to go after an SHTF event. When you and your family’s life is on the line, staying away from trouble spots that expose you to unnecessary risk has to be a priority.  What we are facing is a total societal collapse. While the unprepared denizens of your city become threats to themselves due to ignorance, a collapse prepper always thinks through their actions beforehand and evaluates their environment knowing that one poor decision could be their last. Today, we are going to cover 9 places you must avoid when the shit starts to hit the fan…

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EMP Defense: Faraday Bags for Emergency Preparedness

The looming specter of a nuclear weapons exchange between warring nations is an increasing danger that has been getting quite a few headlines recently, and that is a concern that must be addressed in several ways. Among all the other dangers of a nuclear detonation near your location, the electromagnetic pulse put out by such weapons can be devastating all on its own. Additionally, one of the greatest potential threats we face is the possibility of a weaponized EMP attack that doesn’t even involve destruction on the ground, but is instead detonated high in the upper atmosphere specifically to disable the national power grid and all electronic devices. And, as if that wasn’t enough to consider, there is also the ever-present possibility of a naturally occurring solar flare hitting our power system. Something like the Carrington Event happened before, and inevitably will happen again. Here is how to get ready for it.

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10 Daily Disciplines for the Collapse Prepper

A “Collapse Prepper” prepares for societal downfall by embracing a disciplined lifestyle focused on hydration, cold shower benefits, nutritious eating, mental fitness, survival skills, physical training, restorative sleep, and community. Redefining habits towards health and fitness enhances survival chances. Skills like meditation, fitness regimens, and knowledge acquisition are vital. Building good habits and a support network is key not just for survival, but for thriving post-collapse. Discipline weaves through these practices as the foundation for prepping and ensuring dominance in a potential new world order.

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