
Russia’s Military and Political Views Regarding “Limited” Nuclear War

This article is not intended to address the potential for “strategic” nuclear war between Russia and any other party. That is a different subject entirely, and something for further examination elsewhere. What I want to discuss today is the most important ways in which the Russian military and political view of limited nuclear warfare differs greatly from that of its western counterparts.

It seems to be a growing element within western society to forget the lessons learned in the past with regards to military doctrines in general, and nuclear warfare in specific. Granted, those of us who grew up during the cold war with the Soviet Union all remember being intimately familiar with many aspects of warfare and military doctrine. It was part of our cultural identity at the time, and 80s kids used to be able to rattle off the real-world stats of various jet fighters and tanks like little walking Jane’s manuals.

Today, that has changed. The recent generations haven’t really had much to do with a proper nation-state versus nation-state war since the Vietnam War. Iraq, Afghanistan and the like do serve as some examples, but more for the idea of restrained warfare as opposed to actual “all-out” war between so-called “great Powers.”. The world just hasn’t seen much of that since World War Two, and so people have grown up ignorant of the truth of military history, strategy, and technology, especially as they relate to national doctrines.

And that is a problem, because such misunderstanding results in opinions and positions being held wildly that are so far off the mark of reality as to be dangerous.

Russia’s Military and Political Views Regarding “Limited” Nuclear War Read More »

Climate Migration: Fleeing Reality as the World Burns Around Us

While some nations commit to a lot of talking – but very little action – to reduce their carbon emissions, and others try – and fail – to adapt their most at-risk cities to hotter, drier conditions, there is another looming specter of disaster no one wants to talk about: the migration of billions of climate refugees. 

For huge swathes of the most densely populated parts of the world, local conditions are already becoming too extreme for people to live in, and there is no way to adapt to those conditions. In fact, we don’t even know the full extent of those conditions, or if there will be any leveling off of the warming before humans go extinct… The long-term outlook is quite bleak, but even in the short term, people will have to move away from the worst areas in order to survive.

Given the extent of the acceleration we see with climate change, over the next few years we can expect things to get much worse than they are now. Hotter temperatures combined with more intense humidity are going to make many currently highly populated places lethal to live in. Seeking to escape the tropics, the coasts, and formerly arable lands, huge numbers of people will need to seek new homes.

Climate Migration: Fleeing Reality as the World Burns Around Us Read More »

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