Wasteland Archives
Situational Awareness: Is It Time To GTFO?
It is incredibly critical to be able to recognize when a social breakdown or other dangerous situation is about to begin around you. Situational awareness is the key to that.
Slab City: A Wasteland for Today
The last free place on Earth! Come check out this small desert town that thrives in a post-collapse state, a tiny wasteland in the midst of society.
Preparing For Societal Collapse
Societal collapse is the fall of complex human society characterized by the loss of cultural identity and of socioeconomic complexity, the downfall of government, and the rise of violence.
Collapse in a Nutshell
First the SHTF, and then it could be TEOTWAWKI WTF is with all the acronyms? I don’t know, I just work here. When it comes to the traditional “prepper” community there is a common habit of breaking down complex ideas into acronyms. Basically, SHTF stands for when the “Shit Hits The Fan”, meaning a disaster or catastrophe that causes upheaval and the breakdown of social order on a large scale. TEOTWAWKI hits a bit more
We’re All Just Frogs in Hot Water
The Life-cycle of a Collapse-Aware Frog We all know the boiling frog story. The idea is that a frog will allow itself to be boiled alive in a pot of water with a gradually increasing temperature. That story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes in their environment that occur gradually or to events that have become commonplace. No matter how severe the end result is