Personal Wasteland Bugout Bag List
A quick and dirty guide to my own personal bugout bag items, waiting on the collapse of civilization to make it necessary.
Personal Wasteland Bugout Bag List Read More »
A quick and dirty guide to my own personal bugout bag items, waiting on the collapse of civilization to make it necessary.
Personal Wasteland Bugout Bag List Read More »
While some nations commit to a lot of talking – but very little action – to reduce their carbon emissions, and others try – and fail – to adapt their most at-risk cities to hotter, drier conditions, there is another looming specter of disaster no one wants to talk about: the migration of billions of climate refugees.
For huge swathes of the most densely populated parts of the world, local conditions are already becoming too extreme for people to live in, and there is no way to adapt to those conditions. In fact, we don’t even know the full extent of those conditions, or if there will be any leveling off of the warming before humans go extinct… The long-term outlook is quite bleak, but even in the short term, people will have to move away from the worst areas in order to survive.
Given the extent of the acceleration we see with climate change, over the next few years we can expect things to get much worse than they are now. Hotter temperatures combined with more intense humidity are going to make many currently highly populated places lethal to live in. Seeking to escape the tropics, the coasts, and formerly arable lands, huge numbers of people will need to seek new homes.
Climate Migration: Fleeing Reality as the World Burns Around Us Read More »
The looming specter of a nuclear weapons exchange between warring nations is an increasing danger that has been getting quite a few headlines recently, and that is a concern that must be addressed in several ways. Among all the other dangers of a nuclear detonation near your location, the electromagnetic pulse put out by such weapons can be devastating all on its own. Additionally, one of the greatest potential threats we face is the possibility of a weaponized EMP attack that doesn’t even involve destruction on the ground, but is instead detonated high in the upper atmosphere specifically to disable the national power grid and all electronic devices. And, as if that wasn’t enough to consider, there is also the ever-present possibility of a naturally occurring solar flare hitting our power system. Something like the Carrington Event happened before, and inevitably will happen again. Here is how to get ready for it.
EMP Defense: Faraday Bags for Emergency Preparedness Read More »
Predictions for a collapse-worthy 2024 election cycle that spells the beginning of the end…
A Political Wasteland Read More »
With BRICS member, Saudi Arabia, ending the 50-year Petrodollar agreement, this could be the beginning of the end for U.S. Dollar dominance. And that spells collapse and World War on the horizon.
The End Of The Petrodollar? Read More »
The collapse-prep bugout bag is much different than a traditional bag. In this situation you don’t need a bag to get you back home… because there is no more going back. There is nothing to go back to. The collapse-prep bugout bag is designed to help you implement your plans to get away from the central disaster areas and start a new somewhere in the post-collapse world.
The Collapse-Prep Bugout Bag Read More »
World War Three has already begun, even though the governments of the world don’t want to say so out loud, and most people do not want to admit the reality of it. But it is a fact, and that is the reality. Deny it, or prepare for it, that is the choice before each of us now. The only choice.
A World At War (Again) Read More »
A “Collapse Prepper” prepares for societal downfall by embracing a disciplined lifestyle focused on hydration, cold shower benefits, nutritious eating, mental fitness, survival skills, physical training, restorative sleep, and community. Redefining habits towards health and fitness enhances survival chances. Skills like meditation, fitness regimens, and knowledge acquisition are vital. Building good habits and a support network is key not just for survival, but for thriving post-collapse. Discipline weaves through these practices as the foundation for prepping and ensuring dominance in a potential new world order.
10 Daily Disciplines for the Collapse Prepper Read More »
Climate change and global conflict are both accelerating. This is the storm that will bring about the collapse of civilization, a storm which must be prepared for if you are to survive it.
Accelerating Climate Change and Rising Global Conflict. Read More »
Polycrisis: The cascading, runaway failure of Earths natural, social, political, and economic systems leading to catastrophic collapse.
The Global Polycrisis and Collapse Read More »