What Happens When the lights Go Out?
The looming specter of a nuclear weapons exchange between warring nations is an increasing danger that has been getting quite a few headlines recently, and that is a concern that must be addressed in several ways. Among all the other dangers of a nuclear detonation near your location, the electromagnetic pulse put out by such weapons can be devastating all on its own. Additionally, one of the greatest potential threats we face is the possibility of a weaponized EMP attack that doesn’t even involve destruction on the ground, but is instead detonated high in the upper atmosphere specifically to disable the national power grid and all electronic devices. And, as if that wasn’t enough to consider, there is also the ever-present possibility of a naturally occurring solar flare hitting our power system. Something like the Carrington Event happened before, and inevitably will happen again.
In any case, with a large enough EMP, the entire power grid could be shut down. You may not think that the power grid is that vital compared to the threat of missile attack… but it has been predicted that a full-scale grid shutdown could take years to repair. And, as should be obvious, if such a grid-down situation ever happens, societal collapse will follow very quickly, so those repairs probably won’t ever occur.
With the loss of our power grid, cell towers and power plants could be out of commission permanently, or close enough to it that it doesn’t matter. Once the effects begin, the cascade of failures that come as a result will be the end of social order and of society as a whole. That’s why real collapse prepper types make preparations for such an event by purchasing standalone devices like solar chargers, ham and shortwave radios, and other electronic gear. Furthermore, there is also the informational component to be aware of, in the form of digitally stored books and files which will be of paramount importance post-collapse. I have written previously about the idea of establishing a Bookbank for this purpose.
Just having access to information or a few inexpensive pieces of technology can give you a massive advantage when everybody else is without the stuff they have grown accustomed to relying on. But those things won’t be any good to you if they get fried by the initial EMP or solar flare.
It is going to be vital for you to protect your critical standalone devices, and your informational database, so you can use them post-collapse. Once the immediate danger has passed, those devices and information may be the difference between life and death as you navigate the ruins of the world that was.
So how do you go about protecting your important gear and knowledge?
In most cases, the answer is some kind of electromagnetic shielding, like Faraday bags. These are inexpensive solutions that can protect all of your personal devices from outside EMP threats.
For a quick rundown of some of the basic necessities for keeping in a Faraday Bag, see the checklist at the end of this article. Or, jump right to it.

What is a Faraday Bag?
Faraday bags are a modern adaptation of the Faraday cage, a groundbreaking invention by Michael Faraday in 1836. The original Faraday cage was designed to disperse electromagnetic pulses or fields, effectively protecting its contents from such disturbances. The construction of a Faraday cage involves creating an enclosure with sheets of conductive materials or forming a continuous conductive cage. When an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) hits the cage, the conductive materials allow the pulse to travel through them rather than penetrate the interior, safeguarding whatever is inside.
Faraday cages are effective against radio waves and even lightning bolts, offering protection to both devices and people within the enclosure. Additionally, they prevent any devices inside from transmitting signals outside the cage, ensuring complete isolation from external electromagnetic interference.
A Faraday bag functions as a compact, portable version of a Faraday cage, employing the same principles to offer similar protection. These bags are particularly useful for blocking EMP blasts that could otherwise fry your electronics or protect them from lightning strikes. Beyond these physical threats, Faraday bags also shield your devices from hackers or thieves attempting to access information on your devices or cards.
Faraday bags come in various sizes to accommodate different devices. Medium-sized bags are perfect for tablets and laptops, while smaller bags suit cell phones and wallets. Cell phones, in particular, contain multiple radio devices, including GSM, 2G, 3G, 4G, CDMA, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and NFC. Each of these radios transmits and receives sensitive information via radio emissions on different frequencies.
When a phone is placed inside a Faraday bag, its normal operations will continue, but it will be unable to receive or send any transmissions. This ensures that all communication attempts are effectively blocked, providing complete protection for your portable devices.
By using Faraday bags, you can secure your electronics against both environmental threats and digital intrusions, ensuring that your information remains safe and your devices remain functional in any situation.
How Should I Choose One?
First and foremost, choose one that is large enough to fit your devices. These Faraday bags come in all different shapes and sizes, so you should either take some measurements or test the bag out before you buy it. Also, consider some of the multifunction Faraday bags that double as waterproof drybags as well. It just wouldn’t do for your electronics to survive nuclear war just to have them destroyed by falling in a creek.
The second point to make on these bags is that each one is designed for a certain range of frequencies. Not all of them block the same types of radio and electrical waves. Depending on the frequency and power of an EMP blast or a solar flare, the bag may or may not work. In addition to that, each one of your devices transmits on specific frequencies. You have to be sure that the bag you choose will block your particular device.
To test your bag simply put your phone inside and try to call it from another phone. If the bag is working, the call should go directly to voicemail. Next, try to message your phone on Facebook or another platform that relies on internet data. Again, if the message does not go through, then the bag is working. Repeat this for all items, and even test out the bag using garage door openers, radio remote controls, and vehicle key fobs. You want to make sure the bag you have is completely functional across the entire spectrum of electromagnetic radiation.
Another option to think about is making your own custom Faraday bags. The cloth and special tape can be purchased even cheaper than pre-made bags, and this gives you more versatility in creating bags to suit your specific needs. I myself am actually in the process of making an entire Faraday shielded tent! You can build Faraday shielding into a variety of pre-existing bags and cases as well, the possibilities are endless.

EMP Protection For Collapse Preppers
We’ve already discussed how a nuclear EMP or Solar Flare event could radically change our country, and indeed the world, in one fell swoop. This is one of the primary scenarios that a collapse prepper will be getting ready for. Since the beginnings of almost every other collapse scenario usually result in conflict between nations, this makes sense.
As part of your collapse-preparedness gear supplies, you will want to have a large bag or hard case set aside with items specifically for this possibility. In the event of a grid shutdown due to nuclear war or a Carrington-type event, cell towers and power plants would be fried. This means you need standalone electrical devices in your bag.
Some good devices to consider in addition to a spare cell phone would be a solar charger or a battery pack. A set of walkie-talkies would still work fine if they were in your bag.
For informational purposes, you may want a laptop or a tablet that can be used without the internet or any kind of a signal. Having a spare, ruggedized smartphone to replace the one in your pocket is also an excellent prep. A solar calculator might even be a good idea since you may not have your phone. Consider adding these items to a Faraday bag as part of your prepping.
The Dangers of Tech Proliferation and Reliance
Tech Discipline can be a hard thing to maintain. It is scary to think about all the ways that things can go wrong in a society that relies on technology. With very little warning you could find yourself plunged into the dark of a world where technology no longer functions on the massive and interconnected scale we are currently used to. And while you do still need to stay connected to that world, you also must be ready to survive what comes after. Too many people now exist in a technological bubble where they no longer have to think about things like navigating across town, because their phones do all the hard work for them. And, while that can be a nice luxury, you need to make sure you can still do things the old-fashioned way. Some other things to worry about are the ways in which technology exposes us to new vulnerabilities. You may be pretty good at keeping pickpockets at bay when traveling in sketchy areas, but how good are you at stopping hackers after your banking data?
I have personally done everything I can to prepare to live without technology, and I am very careful with the tech I currently use. We have to be realistic about the threats we face today and the threats we will face in the future. In today’s world, you cannot be cautious enough with the portable devices you own that can transmit sensitive information. These devices such as your cell phone know everything about you.
When somebody wants to track you down or steal what is yours, your cell phone is the best tool they have. If you are going to use these devices, you have to use additional precautions to ensure you are protected. In addition, we never know when an event will occur that wipes out any unprotected technology. There are several ways this could happen, so it is vital that we have a way to protect our standalone devices to be used after such events.
Just having a few inexpensive devices in protected Faraday Bags could make all the difference when everybody else is completely without technology.

Your First and Last Line of Defense
A Faraday bag is the answer to all of these concerns. It can limit the risks you have when using a cell phone or laptop, and it can also protect standalone devices from the outside threats presented by both human bad actors and EMPs.
These inexpensive bags come in a variety of sizes, so you can find the one that perfectly fits your needs. Take the time to do some research, read some reviews, and make sure you are prepared. In the end, I can assure you that you will not regret your decision to make an investment in a Faraday Bag or other shielding solutions.
Collapse-Prep Electronics Checklist: 20 Must-Have Items For The Dark…
The list below is by no means comprehensive, and it doesn’t cover every eventuality, but it’s a great starting place to help you get prepared for a collapse situation involving an EMP/Solar Flare event. This list details those normal preparedness items that you will want to have protected inside Faraday shielding.
Come with me if you want to live!

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